Flow Chemistry

This research area involves the design and test of fixed-bed and monolithic microreactors using organo- and bio-catalysts immobilized on silica or polystyrene as packing materials. The development of continuous-flow processes by the microreactor technology allows for the synthesis of high added-value molecules on the milligram-multigram scale with improved efficiency, sustainability, and lower costs compared to traditional batch processes.



  • Study of the immobilization strategy of the (bio)organocatalyst.
  • Physicochemical characterization of the (bio)material.
  • Fabrication of fixed-bed microreactors and monolithic columns.
  • Development of new stereoselective carboligation reactions in flow regime.
  • Reaction modeling for process optimization.


Instruments and Methods

Mass (MS) spectrometry and infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Elemental analysis. Chromatographic instruments. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM).


Main Subjects

Organic chemistry; biochemistry; analytical chemistry; process chemistry.


Research Group

  • Olga Bortolini
  • Alessandro Massi
  • Pier Paolo Giovannini
  • Daniele Ragno
  • Carmela De Risi



  • Prof. D. Belder (University of Lipsia, Germany)
  • Dr. P. Dambruoso (CNR-ISOF, Bologna)
  • Prof. O. Pandoli (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)


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